Systematic approach to anti-corruption compliance

Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2016, Vol 134, Issue 134


The article points to the topicality of the phenomenon of corruption in Ukraine. Substantiates the feasibility of using a systematic approach in the implementation of anti-corruption compliance measures. The content and sequence of system analysis of this activity. Anticorruption compliance it is possible to determine as aprophylaxis of corruption offences within the limits of currentthe systems is perspective. Measures of anticorruptionare the function of subjects of private sphere. Sequence of analysis of the systems of measures of anticorruption compliance. At first carry out preparatory procedures of formal characteroutline the aim of the investigated subject of private sphere, his setting and function, borders and surroundings, formulate a problem, context of her consideration, determine the point of view of analyst, aim and task of analysis of the systems. Farther carry out collection and working of information about the system. Conduct four types of analysis. Historical – set the genetic aspect of the system. In morphological set elements and structure, find out conformities to law of connections of elements of the system and degree of her complication. Functional analysis and adapting activity. Farther carry out informative description of the system. Lay out information about properties of information of the system, her informative streams. The analysis of the systems of measures of anticorruption compliance allows to design corruption risks and corruption processes. A design allows evidently to show functioning of the system, processes in the system.

Authors and Affiliations

Валерій Оболенцев


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  • EP ID EP174642
  • DOI 10.21564/2414-990x.134.78892
  • Views 114
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How To Cite

Валерій Оболенцев (2016). Systematic approach to anti-corruption compliance. Проблеми законності, 134(134), 112-118.