Szacowanie bezpieczeństwa transportu mieszaniny propan-butan metodami drzewa zdarzeń i niezdatności oraz metodą probabilistyczną

Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2018, Vol 220, Issue 6


The threat of people as a result of delivery vehicle fire handling 11 kg and 33 kg bottles with propane-butane, due to leakage of these bottles was estimated. The probability of unsealing LPG bottles with gas during the year at loading, unloading and transport operations in carrier trade company was determined. Partial and total risk of serious driver injuries and the risk of death in the event of a fire in open load-carrying body of the car and tire damage was estimated. The risk assessment uses the methods of the event and fault tree as well as the probabilistic method.

Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Michalski


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  • EP ID EP551147
  • DOI 10.24136/atest.2018.057
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How To Cite

Jacek Michalski (2018). Szacowanie bezpieczeństwa transportu mieszaniny propan-butan metodami drzewa zdarzeń i niezdatności oraz metodą probabilistyczną. Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 220(6), 170-175.