Szara strefa – definicje, przyczyny, szacunki. Polska perspektywa zjawiska
Journal Title: Studia BAS - Year 2019, Vol 58, Issue 2
The main objective of this article is to assess the causes and scope of activities preformed in the Polish informal economy with the focus on the small and medium-sized enterprises. It begins with the definitions and causes of the grey economy. Next, the author applies descriptive statistics to analyse the range of the scope of it Poland and selected countries. The research for the years 2010–2019 was conducted in an attempt to evaluate the phenomenon of tax fraud and qualitative methods of forecasting used to identify the opinions of Polish entrepreneurs regarding the extent of state budget’s losses due to the tax evasion.
Znaczenie polskiej sfery welfare dla imigrantów. Opinie i praktyki ludności napływowej z wybranych krajów europejskich
In order to explain attitudes towards the Polish welfare system the author analyses the statistical data and in-depth interviews with foreigners living in Poland. The topics discussed included, inter alia, health care, e...
Konkurencyjność polskiego rynku pracy w latach 2004–2016
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the labour market in Poland in 2004–2016: demand for work, the supply, and the labour market institutions. It begins by looking at some key characteristics of the labour...
Pomorski Port Kreatywności – przykłady działań samorządu województwa pomorskiego na rzecz rozwoju przedsiębiorczości
The article reports on the initiatives developed to support entrepreneurs in Pomerania Voivodeship in Poland. It begins by outlining the directions of economic development of the region. In the next section the authors l...
Reguły fiskalne zarządzania finansami publicznymi
The aim of the paper is to discuss numerical fiscal rules implemented in the Public Finance Act in light of security, exposure to risk and instability of public finance. The author comments on robustness of these rules a...
Budżet obywatelski jako przejaw aktywności społecznej – analiza doświadczeń na przykładzie jednostek samorządu terytorialnego
An analysis of experience. The article presents the results of a research conducted by the Bureau of Research of the Chancellery of the Sejm on the first experiences with participatory budgeting in selected local governm...