Szkolenia outdoor a edukacja przez przygodę
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2016, Vol 61, Issue 2
The article presents an attempt to describe outdoor training as a certain tradition in adventure education. As in the case of every HR intervention, outdoor training also has to respect the systematic model of training: the three step model of creating, delivering and evaluation of educational activity in the employee education. The text characterizes this model and describes the specifics of outdoor training as an activity created to improve participants’ soft skills by engaging them in simulation being an outdoor experience and in facilitated discussion about these experiences. The differences between outdoor training and adventure education activities concerning goals, role of instructor, education stimulus, and scope of evaluation are described. Additionally, the text compares the standards of Polish adventure education activities and the standards presented in two samples of articles from the Journal of Experiential Education.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Woźniak
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