Szyfry miejsca. Proces twórczy Piotra Potworowskiego i nowa fenomenologia


Ciphers of place. Piotr Potworowski’s creative process and new phenomenology This text is a proposal for a different perspective on the creative process of Piotr Potworowski, which until now had been analyzed only by Zdzislaw Kepinski and Irena Moderska. The painter’s activity taking place in the space of the landscape is confronted here with the concept of atmosphere referring to the affective potential of a given place. The categories developed in the circle of the New Phenomenology by Hermann Schmitz and Gernot Bohme allow to describe a special kind of communication between an artist and a surrounding space. According to these assumptions, a landscape painter not so much presents a visual and synthetic representation of any landscape, but creates in a painting an equivalent of a multi-sensory and bodily experience of a given place. In this perspective, two key paintings by Piotr Potworowski from the mature period of his work are analyzed: Pejzaz z Lagowa (Landscape from Lagow) from 1958 and Wodospad w Niedzicy (Waterfall in Niedzica) from 1960.

Authors and Affiliations

Łuksza Kiepuszewski


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How To Cite

Łuksza Kiepuszewski (2018). Szyfry miejsca. Proces twórczy Piotra Potworowskiego i nowa fenomenologia. Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 47(1), 46-57.