In the second half of the 1940s, Ukrainian literature outside of Soviet Ukraine experienced
an unusually intensive period of development in the Displaced Person’s camps in
western Germany and Austria. Thrown together fro...
In the article it is shown that folklore and ethnographic records are an important source
of historical research into Podillya dialects. S. Rudanskiy, K. Sheykovskiy, A. Kopitskiy, A. Dyminskiy, Marko Vovchok and O. Mark...
In the article are described linguistic and poetic means of creating the ethnic and cultural
background of stories about mountain farmers’ lives written by the writer Marko
Cheremshyna from West Ukraine. The peculiaritie...
The article deals with the problem of the appearance in the pluperfect of semantic
forms for uncompleted past situations. The study involves the analysis of situations in
which the process of developing the action, expre...
EP ID EP246445
Views 66
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How To Cite
Iryna Kononenko (2015). Т. Космеда, Ego і Аlter Еgo Тараса Шевченка в комунікативному
просторі щоденникового дискурсу. Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 3(),
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Pisarz poza ojczyzną: sylwetka Jurija Szewelowa
In the second half of the 1940s, Ukrainian literature outside of Soviet Ukraine experienced an unusually intensive period of development in the Displaced Person’s camps in western Germany and Austria. Thrown together fro...
Фонетичні особливості казок ХІХ ст. з Поділля
In the article it is shown that folklore and ethnographic records are an important source of historical research into Podillya dialects. S. Rudanskiy, K. Sheykovskiy, A. Kopitskiy, A. Dyminskiy, Marko Vovchok and O. Mark...
Лінгвопоетичні виміри творчості Марка Черемшини
In the article are described linguistic and poetic means of creating the ethnic and cultural background of stories about mountain farmers’ lives written by the writer Marko Cheremshyna from West Ukraine. The peculiaritie...
Віктор Шульгач, Нариси з праслов’янської антропоніімії, ч. ІІІ, Київ 2016, 472 с.
Давноминулий час із семантикою незавершеної ситуації
The article deals with the problem of the appearance in the pluperfect of semantic forms for uncompleted past situations. The study involves the analysis of situations in which the process of developing the action, expre...