Tactical Features of Application of the Method of Devastated Mind in the Research of Handwriting Objects
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3
Text information of An article format according to the announced subject allows to open analytical characteristics of the bloc of positions regarding terms and conceptions of the methodically – organized technics and technology of the research activity of handwriting objects from positions of modern vision of causally – investigation relationships physical and psychological aspects in the system of elements of the mechanism: the researcher - the operator - a research object where the last is a manifestation of an independent system of quality indicators: nature, traits, signs, qualities and properties organs – psychological substances with function of producing handwriting material, sufficient for the solution of tasks of identification and situational characters. The attention is focused on the key moment in technology of researches of noted objects, namely, the realization of the method of differentiation of subject information and non-subject, which lies outside the tasks outlined by a subject, by means of satisfying of impulses of mental, sensual, emotional spheres, that is provided the regime of purity of an experiment on perception of thematic characteristics of an object of a research. Definition of an algorithm of research activity which is caused by a natural factor allows to control and direct functions of corporal and psychological spheres to obtaining the necessary information defined and outlined by a strong-willed impulse, and evaluate it correctly concerning the principles of proof process. Noted it is necessary to consider as an urgent need in scientific methodical armament of law enforcement and judicial authorities. Modified in terms of modern perception, the method is the author's development, realized in a format of criminalistic researches of handwriting objects.
Authors and Affiliations
Елена Калаянова, Olena Kalayanova, Олена Калаянова
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