Тактика допиту дорослого, який втягнув неповнолітнього в злочинну діяльність (окремі аспекти)
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 81, Issue 1
У статті розглянуто окремі аспекти тактики допиту дорослої особи, яка втягнула неповнолітнього в злочинну діяльність. Акцентовано на важливості підготовчого етапу допиту, висвітлено типові слідчі ситуації, що мають місце під час проведення розглядуваної слідчої (розшукової) дії та окреслено напрями дій слідчого. Звернуто увагу на роль криміналістичних знань під час допиту. The article examines some aspects of the interrogation tactics of an adult who dragged the juvenile into criminal activity. The emphasis is placed on the importance of the preparatory phase for interrogation, the typical investigative situations that are taking place during the investigative (investigative) investigation under consideration are highlighted.Among them there are situations when: 1) the accused acknowledges his guilt and gives the deployed true testimony; 2) the accused does not recognize the fact of involvement, and the juvenile gives contradictory evidence; 3) the accused partially acknowledges his guilt (the fact of a specific crime), but does not recognize the fact of involving a minor in this crime, and the minor reveals his guilt. It is noted that the most widespread is the last investigative situation. Of great importance in the interrogation of the trainer is the detail of his testimony, especially when securing the activities of drawing and awareness of the juvenile person (can be confirmed by long acquaintance, the presence of an adult at the birthday of a minor, etc.). At the same time, in practice, these recommendations are often ignored, limited to records of the accused's type of "I proposed to commit a crime" without a detailed indication of the method of engagement, as well as the time, place, and other circumstances of the commission of the crime.The passivity in securing the results of the interrogation was also evident in the fact that almost half of the interrogated protocols of the interrogations of the accused under art. 304 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine did not contain information as to whether investigators put additional or specific questions on the circumstances of juvenile involvement in criminal activities. This situation is not acceptable, as it can lead to a legal error. So, if the adult did not know and could not know about the childhood of his victim, he could not be prosecuted under Article 304 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. It is determined that the most practical significance is the classification of tactical techniques, which is based on the peculiarities of the mechanism of psychological influence on the accused, which allows to allocate: 1) tactical methods of exploration; 2) tactical methods of persuasion; 3) tactical methods of coercion; 4) tactical techniques of suggestion.
Authors and Affiliations
Марина Анатоліївна Готвянська
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