Тарашкевіца і наркамаўка: ці ёсць граматычнае процістаянне? / Taraszkiewica i narkamaǔka: czy istnieje gramatyczna opozycja?
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
The article is devoted to B. Tarashkevich’s grammar, its hallmarks and role-stimulus in studying the Belarusian language by “new” speakers of Belarusian. The grammatical norms are considered, under which two versions of Belarusian literary language, that have unofficial names taraškevica and narkamaǔka, are opposed. Grammatical oppositions defined and systematized by I. Klimov are analyzed in the context of the academic grammars of the Belarusian language which have been published since the mid 1950s. This approach has allowed, on the one hand, to indicate a certain inaccuracy in unilaterally opposed grammatical rules; on the other hand, to reveal the succession of B. Tarashkevich’s descriptive approach by the authors of grammars when delivering grammatical variants.
Authors and Affiliations
Таццяна Рамза
Budowa słowotwórcza ojkonimów i anojkonimów jednoskładnikowych (na podstawie materiału z terenu powiatu tureckiego)
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