Teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards integrated education of disabled in Lithuanian
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 34
Teachers’ attitudes toward integrated teaching of students with disabilities [1] as well as attitudes of ablebodied children toward pears with disabilities [2] appears to be a key factor or considered one of the most important variables in successful inclusion of disabled into mainstreamed education. The presumptions of various theories as regards with the phenomenon of attitudes postulate that quality of attitudes depends on: (1) the frequent, pleasant, and meaningful contacts between individuals with differences, (2) situational andenvironmental factors, (3) relationship between personal and normative beliefs, (4) directly or indirectly acquired body of knowledge regarding the attitudinal object [3]. On the ground of multidimensional nature of attitude, conceptualized as having cognitive, affective and behavioral components [4], was accepted the definition of attitude as following: ‘Attitude is an enduring set of beliefs charged emotions that predisposes a person to a certain kind of behaviors’ [2]. These considerations provided the structural framework for creation of theinstruments and organization of our study. Theories-oriented investigations (instrument -two questionnaires, and the kinds of contingent) of our study was focused on: (1) the teachers’ attitudes toward integration of disabled into mainstream education (cognitive dimension), integrated teaching of the students with disabilities in their classes (behavioral dimension) and (2) attitudes of able-bodied and disabled students toward the intercommunication in various situations (behavioral dimension) and the kind of inter-emotions (emotional dimension) in relation to: (3) frequent or no contacts and (4) the level of perceived competence or knowledge regarding the disabled. Participants were: (1) 393 teachers working in: nonintegrated (276), integrated (15) and special (102) schools and (2) 2471 children from the same schools (1958, 126 and 382 accordingly).
Authors and Affiliations
Samsoniene Laimute, Adomaitiene Ruta, Saplinskas Juozas, Baubinas Algirdas
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