Teaching Activity of Maxym Kovalevsky in Paris in the late 19th and early 20th centuries


The article deals with the teaching activities of M. M Kovalevsky in such institutions of higher education in France as the Free College of Social Sciences, the Higher School of Social Sciences and the Russian Higher School of Social Sciences. Some specific features of scientific activity in different educational institutions were singled out. The attention was paid to the results of the merger of scientific work by M. Kovalevsky with management activity in the Russian high school of social sciences in Paris. The features of teaching lectures to famous scientists are shown. On the basis of available sources, the places of university studies and their subjects are specified. Particular attention is paid to the way of dissemination of scientific works by M. M. Kovalevsky in the form of lecture collections, separate books, reports of conferences, etc. The listed main works that are related to the scientific work of a scientist from 1889 to 1905. Teaching М. М. Kovalevsky in the summits of the capital of France analyzed with the involvement of memoirs of his colleagues, students and friends.

Authors and Affiliations

Yuliia Kasianenko


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  • EP ID EP606404
  • DOI 10.15421/30180116
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How To Cite

Yuliia Kasianenko (2018). Teaching Activity of Maxym Kovalevsky in Paris in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Наддніпрянська Україна : історичні процеси, події, постаті, 1(), 214-227. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-606404