Technical approach to optimal utilization of telecommunication system bandwidth


At the present time, the opportuneness of commercial operations requires the convergence of different types of traffic and the ensuring of the necessary quality of services related to the transmission of data, voice and video. Consequently, there is need to optimize the telecommunication networks (TСN) functioning with the purpose of timely support of business users processes in real time. It leads to management processes accelerating with increasing the efficiency and the tempo of making rational decisions. However, the continuous increase in the amount of transmission information needed, the number of users that forms a distributed information environment, the complexity of network services lead to an increase of the information intensity exchange in TCN. Failure of any of its telecommunication node leads to changes in routes, intensities of information torrents, operating modes of network elements, etc. In addition, the functioning of the TCN is complicated by the fact that it is constantly exacerbated the growing contradiction between the increasing of the amount of information needed to make a management decision and the reduction of time for the cycle of business processes management. Today, a considerable practical interest is the study of issues related to the optimization of the use of such limited resource as the productive capacity of TCN, which is an actual scientific task. As a result of the conducted researches for the efficient functioning of TCN at the required level, it is proposed a methodical approach for optimal use of TCN productive capacity during the transmission of information. It allows to determine the optimal routes for transmitting information by the productive capacity indicator and distributing information torrents within their available productive capacity taking into account the classes of user traffic servicing. The first feature of the proposed approach is the application (for the first time) of the nodes and the limits method for optimal routes calculating for information transmission in the TCN. The second feature is to take into account the classes of user traffic servicing during the distribution of information torrents within the calculated TCN productive capacity.

Authors and Affiliations

I. Svyda, A. Zvarych, D. Bukhal


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  • EP ID EP308239
  • DOI 10.20535/RADAP.2018.73.11-17
  • Views 84
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How To Cite

I. Svyda, A. Zvarych, D. Bukhal (2018). Technical approach to optimal utilization of telecommunication system bandwidth. Вісник НТУУ КПІ. Серія Радіотехніка, Радіоапаратобудування, 0(73), 11-17.