The Kingdom of Netherlands is a country towards which various migrants headed due to its openness, tolerance and promise of prosperity and richness that it gave. Nordic model fulfilled by the Holland’s social policy focu...
The paper presents and analyzes the attitudes and subsequent legal actions of the French authorities against of the Catholic Church in the period of the rule of the Directory (fr. Directoire) (1795-1799).
The Indonesian province of Aceh is considered to be the "gateway to Mecca". First Arab traders arrived there and in a peaceful convinced Acehnese to adopt Islam as their religion. Many years of civil war and social conse...
Polityka socjalna Królestwa Niderlandów wobec imigrantów
The Kingdom of Netherlands is a country towards which various migrants headed due to its openness, tolerance and promise of prosperity and richness that it gave. Nordic model fulfilled by the Holland’s social policy focu...
Rewolucja francuska wobec Kościoła katolickiego w okresie Dyrektoriatu (1795-1799)
The paper presents and analyzes the attitudes and subsequent legal actions of the French authorities against of the Catholic Church in the period of the rule of the Directory (fr. Directoire) (1795-1799).
Tryumf Dionizosa. Rzecz o kulturze politycznej polskiego sarmatyzmu i romantyzmu
Szariat a prawa człowieka w Acehu
The Indonesian province of Aceh is considered to be the "gateway to Mecca". First Arab traders arrived there and in a peaceful convinced Acehnese to adopt Islam as their religion. Many years of civil war and social conse...
Instytucja „służby specjalne”: jej geneza i zakres kompetencyjny