Terapi Tawa untuk Mengurangi Emosi Marah pada Caregiver Lansia

Journal Title: JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi) - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 1


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of laughter therapy to reduce emotional upset at ageing caregivers. Subject retrieval technique used was purposive sampling method. Subjects numbered 20 people, divided into experimental group and control group, with the following criteria: women or men who care for the elderly, fill out the medical records. The STAXI scale and open scale used was developed by Spielberger, which reveals the emotion of anger. Experimental method used is a quasi-experimental, nonrandomized design using pretest-posttest control group design. Based on the test results of pre-test and post-test in the experimental and control groups, using analysis of T-Test, gain scores obtained score F = 0,296 and a score of 0,478 (2-tailed)/ 0,593 (1-tailed). Score p> 0.01, indicating no difference between the experimental group and the control group after therapy. However, based on open questionnaire, subjects felt calmer and fitter after laughter therapy is done, feel that this therapy is very beneficial and should be disseminated to the public

Authors and Affiliations

Nandhini H. Anggarasari, Fuad Nashori, RA Retno Kumolohadi


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  • EP ID EP224953
  • DOI 10.20885/intervensipsikologi.vol6.iss1.art5
  • Views 105
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How To Cite

Nandhini H. Anggarasari, Fuad Nashori, RA Retno Kumolohadi (2014). Terapi Tawa untuk Mengurangi Emosi Marah pada Caregiver Lansia. JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi), 6(1), 69-80. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-224953