Terminological and Definitional Problems of Deficit and Debt in the Polish and EU Law of Public Finances
Journal Title: Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 2
In the Polish and the EU public finances law there are serious terminological difficulties concerning the deficit and the debt. They arise first from the terminological chaos in this field and second from the parallel application of the EU and the Polish methodology of calculating of deficit and debt. Thus, the paper aims to explain the terminological and definitional problems of deficit and debt in the public finances law using unobtrusive research consisting of the detailed analysis of the Polish and EU legislation. Although there is no doubt that it would be desirable to order the applied terms, in the current legal situation, it would be extremely difficult, as it would require the changes to the Constitution, laws, and modification of translations of UE acts. The solution to the problem, presenting additional advantages, could consist of full transition to the EU methodology by the renouncement from the Polish methodology.
Authors and Affiliations
Urszula Kinga Zawadzka-Pąk, Ewa Lotko
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