Tęskniąc za spójnością. Notatki o intertekstualności, kompozycji i koncepcji języka u Brunona Schulza

Journal Title: Schulz/Forum - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 5


Schulz was particularly predisposed to intertextuality, since his hometown was genuinely multilingual, with Polish and Yiddish as dominants. German, as the official language of the Austro-Hungarian administration and that of Lessing, Moses Mendelssohn, Goethe, Schiller, and Heine, was especially attractive to the educated Eastern European Jews, which applied also to Schulz’s mother who taught him Goethe’s ballad, “The Erlking.” On the other hand, such centers of modernism as Vienna, Lviv, Cracow, and Warsaw, which affected the young Schulz in his student years, were also francophilic so that the works of Flaubert, Baudelaire, Zola, Proust, Huysmans, Claudel, and Gide, as well as the philosophical writings of Bergson, must have influenced him, too.

Authors and Affiliations

Rolf Fieguth


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How To Cite

Rolf Fieguth (2015). Tęskniąc za spójnością. Notatki o intertekstualności, kompozycji i koncepcji języka u Brunona Schulza. Schulz/Forum, 5(5), 31-53. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-169846