Testy zderzeniowe kasety ochronnej systemu rejestracji parametrów lotu S2-3a
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2017, Vol 214, Issue 12
In the paper methodology of a crash test execution is described. The procedure was developed in a course of repeated experimental probe impact tests with changed configurations and parameters. The probe contained imitator of a crash flight data recorder S2-3a. The purpose of the studies was to obtain an test impulse envelope of trapezoidal shape of the amplitude 3400 g for et least 3 ms that comply with standards NO-16-A200:2006 and EuroCAE ED-112.
Authors and Affiliations
Zbigniew Jakielaszek, Andrzej J. Panas, Mirosław Nowakowski, Grzegorz Kowaleczko
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