Text, Discourse, Function: Ways into Pragmatics for Philology students
Defining pragmatics by its general perspective, rather than by its specific object of investigation, entails looking at the scope of pragmatics in terms of micro- and macro-level concepts. These have been traditionally associated with the opposition between the analysis of speech act force at an utterance level and the analysis of global intentionality at the level of a discourse/text. Following this division, as well as its later refinements, the article will, first, review the different constituents of force of an utterance, relating them to pragmatic concepts which characterize the process of encoding and decoding its message (deixis, presupposition, implicature, etc.). Second, it will demonstrate how individual utterances comprising different sets of constituents and markers of force form sequences to shape the global intentionality of a discourse/text.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Cap
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