Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 18
У статті розглядаються особливості тезаурусного моделювання термінополя предметної області Pädagogik «педагогіка» із застосуванням комплексу когнітивних технологій. За результатами компонентного аналізу корпусу німецькомовних дефініцій встановлено еквівалентні, ієрархічні й асоціативні відношення між заголовним терміном словникової статті й іншими термінологічними одиницями в межах змодельованого семантичного поля. The article deals with the peculiarities of thesaurus modelling of the terminological field of the Pädagogik (Pedagogy) on the material of the German language with the use of a complex of cognitive technologies. Thesaurus modelling involves the following stages of the research: 1) to set the glossary of German pedagogical terms in the alphabetical order; 2) to analyse the definitions of the set terms of German pedagogy; 3) to make up a list of logical-semantic relations between the pedagogical terms and to find out the existing types of relations between the pedagogical concepts expressed by the terms; 4) to describe the model of the thesaurus of German pedagogical terminology. The material of the study were German terms of pedagogy and their derivatives selected from the special sources in German – pedagogical dictionaries, reference books and thesauri. The number of the units to be studied was 4852 terms and 1600 terminological combinations. Semantic field of the term Pädagogik (Pedagogy) is modelled taking into account the semantic features forming its intensity. Component analysis of the term Pädagogik (Pedagogy) shows its functioning in two meanings – as a scientific discipline and as a practical activity. The analysis of the terminological system of modern German pedagogy makes it possible to select the following branches of it: general pedagogy; history of pedagogical science; comparative pedagogy; school pedagogy; pre-school pedagogy; pedagogy of secondary education; special pedagogy represented by defectology, corrective education, logopedics and inclusive pedagogy; social pedagogy including social work; adult education or life-long education encompassing self-education, postgraduate education and informational-educational activity; intercultural pedagogy including cross-cultural communication; professional pedagogy including professional training, school studies as a management of education and educational institutions, and related disciplines. Within these areas, it is possible to distinguish between the pedagogical specialties by the type of educational institution, subject, form of study, target group, social or political orientation. According to the results of the component analysis of the body of German definitions the equivalent, hierarchical and associative relations between the title term of the vocabulary article and other terminological units within the framework of the modelled semantic field have been established. The most significant part of the terms is connected by such paradigmatic semantic relations: generic-aspectual relations, synonymy, part – total, correlates. Such a network representation of data has not only a purely applied value, but also allows to investigate the logical relations of pedagogy and model the analysed terminological system more exactly.
Authors and Affiliations
Ilona Dulepa
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