THD and Reactive Power Compensation Using Neural Network Based DSTATCOM


This paper investigates on distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) to compensate total harmonic distortion (THD) and reactive power. Fixed hysteresis current control (HCC) technique is designed for regulating DSTATCOM. In fixed HCC, the current error signal is minimized using fixed upper and lower hysteresis band limit. The current error signal is difference of actual and reference currents. Effective compensation of DSTATCOM is achieved by control of current error signal. Under dynamic load conditions, the fixed HCC exhibits poor performance. This work explores the application of neural network to minimise current error signal and for improving compensation of the DSTATCOM under dynamic load conditions. The reliability of the system is validated in matlab/simulink environment.

Authors and Affiliations

P. Mahes Kumar, Dr. M. Sudhakaran


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How To Cite

P. Mahes Kumar, Dr. M. Sudhakaran (2016). THD and Reactive Power Compensation Using Neural Network Based DSTATCOM. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 4(8), -.