The 50th Jubilee Celebration of the Coronation of Virgin Mary’s figure from Lipy, near Lubawa
Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2019, Vol 36, Issue 1
This year’s 50th anniversary of the Coronation of Virgin Mary’s figure from Lipy, which has been worshipped on the Land of Lubawa since the 13th century, persuades us to think about its cult. The article describes the history of Virgin Mary’s from Lipy cult – from its beginning until now, the course of the indulgence and crowning celebrations in 1969 as well as the difficulties connected with it. It also includes the structure of pilgrims from the Sanctuary in Lipy, the description of the Virgin Mary’s from Lipy figure and its patronage. The jubilee of the celebration of the Coronation performed by Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński shows that the old cult of Virgin Mary from Lipy, near Lubawa is still popular.
Authors and Affiliations
Dawid Galanciak
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