The aerobic capacity in young rowers determined using original graded test on rowing ergometer Concept II<br />
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 18, Issue 44
[b]The aim of the researches[/b]. The aim of the study was to characterize a new, original method of workload applying in graded test during rowers’ examination and to put this method to use in evaluation of aerobic capacity in rowers.[b]Material and methods[/b]: The study involved six rowers AZS-AWF Krakow aged 16–19 years old. The rowers performed the graded test “until exhaustion” on rowing ergometer Concept II. Test began 4-minutes effort performed with workload 60 W and next, every two minutes, workload increased about 30 W. During the test, the basic parameters of cardiopulmonary system were measured. Originality of protocol resulted from continuous character of performed effort and from possibility of individual adjustment of rowing rate.[b]Results and conclusions[/b]: A new protocol allows to indicate the level of metabolic thresholds on the basis of changes of ventilatory parameters during the test – accordingly the three metabolic zones were indicated. The results of the test could be useful to objectification of matching training intensities. The applied protocol characterizes the lack of breaks during the test, multiple blood sample taking and possibility of individual adjustment of rowing rate. The proposed protocol is useful to routine control of training process.The level of aerobic capacity and amount of physiological parameters on the level of metabolic thresholds in young rowers (taking into account: the advanced in training process, sports level and term of examinations in annual training cycle) is satisfactory.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Gastoł, Jerzy Cempla, Marcin Maciejczyk, Janusz Włodek
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