The analysis of the pharmaceutical component of the emergency medical care system in Ukraine

Journal Title: Вісник фармації - Year 2019, Vol 97, Issue 1


Aim. To determine the role of the pharmaceutical component of emergency medical care in Ukraine. Materials and methods. Methods of information search, content-analysis, methods of comparison and generalization were used to carry out the research tasks. Results and discussion. The organizational structure of emergency medical care in Ukraine has been studied. It has been detailed that sub-subordinated structural units of the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine are the Department of Pre-hospital and Hospital Emergency Medical Care, as well as the Department of Coordination and Provision of Medical Care during antiterrorist operations, emergency and martial law. The methodology of forming a list of medicines for the provision of medical services for disasters has been described; it is based on the standards of a set of medical equipment for medical assistance in emergencies, developed by the World Health Organization. The formation of a departmental reserve of medicines and medical products has been specified. At the same time, it has been determined that the supply, replenishment and replacement of medicines is carried out at the expense of domestic manufacturers and imports of active pharmaceutical ingredients, which list in total covers approximately 60 pharmacological groups of a specific and wide spectrum of action. The analysis of the pharmaceutical component of the Emergency Medical Center and Disaster Medicine in various modes of operation has been performed. Conclusions. The results of the study of the pharmaceutical component of the emergency medical care system in Ukraine and detalization of its organizational structure make it possible to emphasize the validity of the complete set of mobile medical service formations of disaster medicine with normative stocks of medicines and medical equipment, which effectiveness in the conditions of higher-preparedness regimes and/or emergency situations will provide a complex of measures aimed at timely, complete and safe caretaking the medical, sanitary, and specialty property of medical institutions, medical formations and the population of the country.

Authors and Affiliations

A. A. Kotvitska, I. V. Kubareva, L. A. Karpenko, N. B. Havrysh, N. V. Chmyhalo, V. I. Krupenya, V. F. Zabashta


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  • EP ID EP640259
  • DOI 10.24959/nphj.19.2246
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How To Cite

A. A. Kotvitska, I. V. Kubareva, L. A. Karpenko, N. B. Havrysh, N. V. Chmyhalo, V. I. Krupenya, V. F. Zabashta (2019). The analysis of the pharmaceutical component of the emergency medical care system in Ukraine. Вісник фармації, 97(1), 39-45.