The Antidiabetic Activity of Ficus Carica Folium in Mus Musculus
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 4
Tin leaf (Ficus carica folium) is the fig tree plant. The fruit and the leaf of this plant rich of polifenol antioksidant such as flavonoid, can used for to reduce the level of blood sugar. To know the activity on Tin leaf (Ficus carica folium) toward the reduction of blood sugar to Mice (Mus musculus) This research is experimental, the mice divided into six group. there are Normal group, K group (CMC Na 1%), variation dose 100 mg/kg group, Variation dose 300 mg/kg group, variation dose 600 mg/kg group and positive group (Glibenclamide 0.65 mg/kg). using two way anova analysis method. the result of this research show reduction effect of mice’s blood sugar on 100 mg/kg dose (17.3%), 300 mg/kg dose (29.3%), 600 mg/kg dose (35.2%) and the positive group (44.3%). Variation dose 600 mg/kg (35.2%) give the highest blood sugar reduction, which close to positive group (44.3%) compared with the 100 mg/kg dose (17.3%), 300 mg/kg dose (29.3%).
Authors and Affiliations
Andri Priyoheriantoa, M. Erik Saputra, Cikra Ikhda Nur Hamidah Safitri
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