The approach of ischemic colitis case followed by the lower gastrointesitnal bleeding bleeding

Journal Title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 1


Colonic vascular ischemia is commonly seen in the descending colon and causes malnutrition and is to be commensurate with the duration of clinical myocardial ischemia. History of cerebrovascular disease, hypertension, with coronary hearth disease, 68-year-old female patient was followed for about 2 weeks with the occasional massive gastrointestinal bleeding complaint. After ceasing oral intake, fluid and electrolyte replacement and a broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy was established. Abdomen bowel wall thickening of the colon in continuity in the CT results were observed with the open SMA SMV. Follow-up colonoscopy was performed from the dentate line at 5 cm starting hemorrhagic and ischemic segments was seen as an area of about 40 cm long. After hemodynamic deterioration she was underwent emergency surgery because of abdominal sensitivity increase.  Hartman procedure was performed. Postop pneumonia and pulmonary embolism were suspected. Candida was observed in urine infection. The sudden improving of the patient's postoperative bleeding from the rectal stump where  the staple line was, has evolved on the 7th day. The sponges with the adrenaline stopped the bleeding and the hemodynamic support was stabilized with it. The minimal fluid in pelvis was also monitored by ultrasound . The colostomy was fine following the blood supply to the bowel. Later oral intake was started, the general condition of the patient was improved. But  on the postoperative day 12 she had suddenly respiratory and cardiac arrest . Finally, the histopathological examination revealed that the ischemic necrosis and purulent some areas could be selected as a morphologic ischemic and  necrotic  (the intraoperative peritoneal reflection of the level of false membrane formation at the perforation focus off ischemic colitis). Approximately 20% of similar cases were followed with the clinical practice under medical treatment and surgical approach.

Authors and Affiliations

Yüksel Altınel, Bahar Büşra Özkan, Ayca Sultan, Serkan Karaman


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  • EP ID EP423267
  • DOI 10.16899/gopctd.302670
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How To Cite

Yüksel Altınel, Bahar Büşra Özkan, Ayca Sultan, Serkan Karaman (2017). The approach of ischemic colitis case followed by the lower gastrointesitnal bleeding bleeding. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE, 7(1), 74-76.