The astronomical terminology in the literature of the Great Duchy of Lithuania in the XV–XVII centuries
Journal Title: Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. История - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 2
The article is about to the development of astronomical terminology in the literature of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the XV–XVII centuries. Astronomical terminology was presented as an original or borrowed terms from Western European, Byzantine and Jewish literature. The tendency to replace archaic terms for a new one, borrowed from the Western European tradition, became prevalent from the XVI century. The development of science and the establishment of the Catholic education system influenced to the unification of terminology, due to the use of Latin and Greek terms and the creation of astronomical literature in Latin.
Authors and Affiliations
Дмитрий Вячеславович Скворчевский
VIII Міжнародная навуковая канферэнцыя з серыі Colloquia Russica «Рэлігіі і вераванні Русі (X–XVI стст.)» (Львоў, Украіна)
Belyavinа V. M., Rakavа L. V. Belarusian costume
Petr Alyakseevich Shupljak
Бердинских В. А., Меньковский В. И. ГУЛАГ: идеология и экономика подневольного труда в ХХ веке. Сыктывкар : Ин-т яз., лит. и истории Коми науч. центра УрО РАН, 2017. 132 с.
Третьи научные чтения памяти профессора Валентина Наумовича Рябцевича