The Baptism – product of Scripture’s preaching, in St. Basil the Great’s work
Journal Title: Altarul Reintregirii - Year 2011, Vol 16, Issue 1
This study brings into the light the work of the great Cappadocian, from the missionary perspective of the obligation to preach and the immediate consequence of it: the baptism. After highlighting the historical context, the mission’s revealed bases are specified. It’s shown that the subject of the Basilian preaching is, as Jesus induced, approaching the heaven’s kingdom, and the purpose – the growth of the Church through the Baptism. The preacher’s personality is shown, and also remarks regarding the recipients of the Scripture’s message. The obstacles of preaching and the remedies proposed by St. Basil for overcoming them are described. His missionary guidance is still valid and extremely valuable, even after more than 1630 years. Taking on different strategies for enlarging the Church, through specialized means of preaching, catechization and baptism is the only missionary chance of the third millennium. The New Evangelization, contemporary religious concept initiated after the late Pope John Paul the second, it’s already a missionary certainty with positive results among the occidental Christianity. In the context of global rise of secularism, nihilism, neopaganism and sectarianism, in a more and more unbalanced postmodernsociety, the Church’s voice, at the missionary level, becomes increasingly necessary.
Authors and Affiliations
David Pestroiu
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The Baptism – product of Scripture’s preaching, in St. Basil the Great’s work
This study brings into the light the work of the great Cappadocian, from the missionary perspective of the obligation to preach and the immediate consequence of it: the baptism. After highlighting the historical context,...
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