The Benefits of Listening and Reading Comprehension. A Deliberation over the Role of Bibliotherapy Support in the Development of Speaking and Thinking in Middle and Late Childhood

Journal Title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce - Year 2016, Vol 11, Issue 3


The author of the article analyses the influence of the reception of literature on a child’s cognitive processes. In the first part of the presented text the author describes the role of language in the development of thinking, referring to J. Bruner’s theory to discuss the process of creating mental and concept representations in particular. Then she analyses the role of narration which helps the child to construct the picture of the world and is the key to the understanding of this world. Continuing this deliberation, the author mentions also the tasks of bibliotherapy and fairy tale therapy. In this context she recalls the types of therapeutic fairy tales, in which their aims are the basis of divisions; they highlight the texts of a reflexive, psychoeducational and psychotherapeutic character. Furthermore, she discusses the role of literature in stimulating the cause and effect thinking, hypothetical process of reasoning, and he emphasizes their impact on the individual’s creativity. Moreover, she also describes the modes of information processing which she distinguishes optimistic style, pessimistic, analytical, synthetic, egocentric, dialectical, humorous and authoritarian. The knowledge of styles, thanks to literature, can lead to potentially balanced and flexible mode, adjusted to a specific situation. The furtherance of mental development in the selected areas can happen mainly thanks to the reception of fiction, yet therapeutic fairy tales can be very helpful in those processes.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Molicka


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  • EP ID EP307376
  • DOI 10.14632/eetp.2016.11.41.99
  • Views 54
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How To Cite

Maria Molicka (2016). The Benefits of Listening and Reading Comprehension. A Deliberation over the Role of Bibliotherapy Support in the Development of Speaking and Thinking in Middle and Late Childhood. Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce, 11(3), 99-117.