The Bioactive Compounds Obtained from the Fruit-Seeds of Madhuca longifolia (L) Act as Potential Anticancer Agents
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 4
Abstract: Madhuca longifolia (Mahua)is a mediumto large sized deciduous tree belonging of amily Sapotaceae, commonly known as the Butter nut tree. Madhuca longifoliais reported to contain sapogenins, triterpenoids, saponins, steroids, flavonoids and glycosides. It is used as spasmogenic, uterotonic, oxytocic, anti-bacterial, anti-tumour, anti-implantation,anti-progestational,antiestrogenicagainstmenorrhagiaandanti-cancer. The extract was prepared by reflux condensation method. The objective of the present work is to search anticancer activity. Based on this,a new series of constituents have been planned to extract by Methanol (E1), Ethanol (E2), Acetone (E3), chloroform (E4)from fruit-seeds of Madhuca longifolia. The in-vitro anticancer studies were performed against human cancer cell line (HeLa) and MTT assay was used to analyze the cell growth inhibition. The results showed that the various extracts of fruit-seeds of Madhuca longifolia have a very good to moderate anticancer activity. Keywords: Madhuca longifolia, Sapotaceae, Phytochemistry, HeLa, MTT assay
Authors and Affiliations
Asish Bhaumik, M. Upender Kumar, Kaleem Ahmed Khan, Ch. Srinivas
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