The book collection of Torun’s vicar Krzysztof Henryk Andrzej Geret: on the basis of the auction catalogues from the years 1764-1768
Journal Title: Folia Toruniensia - Year 2015, Vol 15, Issue 15
The book collection of Torun’s vicar Krzysztof Henryk Adrzej Geret is the biggest private library in Torun from the Old-Polish period. After the vicar’s death the books from the library were dispersed as a result of three auctions which took place in Torun in the years: 1764, 1765 and 1768. The article includes a short presentation of the library on the basis of the auction catalogues which are now kept in the collections of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preussischer Kulturbesitz and are available on-line. The majority of the books from Geret’s library are connected with his professional interest- they are mostly religious texts which were sold in the third auction. The collection predominantly included Protestant books (the majority of which were Lutheran); however, other denominations were also represented in the collection. Besides, the vicar also owned books from other fields such as law, history, philology, philosophy and medicine. The catalogues record 15,174 books; it must be noted that some volumes included even hundreds of minor prints which documented the religious, social and political life of the time. The considerable quantity of minor prints made Geret’s collection unique in comparison with the content of private libraries in the 18th century.
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Imańska
Herman Stachel – lwowski wydawca piśmiennictwa popularnego
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