The causes and results of the reorganization of historical education and science in the higher pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine (1930-1933)
Journal Title: Eminak - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 4
The article describes the reasons and results of the reorganization of historical education and science in the higher economy with the necessary number of specialists after the proclamation of the course on forced industrialization. Only qualified teachers and teachers could prepare qualified specialists. Political and ideological reasons followed Stalin’s course toward establishing a totalitarian regime. Humanitarian education was viewed as one of the most important means of propagating the theory of aggravation of the class struggle, which served as a justification for the destruction of any opposition and national movements in the USSR. In addition, the authorities did not trust the scientists of the old generation and tried in every possible way to get rid of them. And for this it was necessary to intensify the training of a new generation of teachers. Educational reasons were that the use of integrated training, team-laboratory method, project method led to the levelling of students and students of system knowledge in the basics of science. Positive results of the reorganization were the creation of organizational and methodological centres of historical science and education in the form of proportional to the territory of Ukraine institutions. Historical and economic departments and departments of history acted in their composition. Curriculum development began in which historical disciplines were included in the list of subjects of both general and vocational training. At the same time, total control over the educational, scientific and socio-political activities of teachers and students was established. The independent scientific search was stopped, many representatives of the old academic school were repressed.
Authors and Affiliations
Vladimir Bugrii
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