The Characteristics of Quality Management System in Inspection Bodies in Accordance with the International Standard ISO/IEC 17020:2012
Journal Title: Quality Procedings - Year 2015, Vol 9, Issue
The international standard ISO/IEC 17020 contains the requirements for work of various inspection bodies which aim to raise the level of their activities, as well as the confidence level of clients in performing inspection activities. Furthermore, the standard is aligned with other standards of series standards ISO/IEC 17000 and contains certain parts of guideline IAF/ILAC A4 as well as the mandatory parts of ISO/PAS documents. The standard is used as the reference document during an assessment process of inspection bodies by accreditation bodies. Based on the assessment, inspection bodies prove the fulfillment of the standard requirements, respectively their competencies for performing inspection activities and gain market confidence. The paper describes all necessary steps which should be taken into account by an inspection body so that it can fulfill general and technical requirements of the standard and demonstrate the necessary competencies for performing inspection activities. Especially, the paper will pay attention to impartiality, independence and competence of personnel, traceability of equipment, inspection methods, quality management system of an inspection body, etc.
Authors and Affiliations
Alen Bošnjaković, Biserka Runje, Hazim Bašić, Almira Softić
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