The Comparison between the Modern Science of Plants and Kalidasa’s Plants


According to ancient Indian seers plants are living beings. Only the conscience is internal or dormant. However, the ancient scholars of India studied the plants mainly for the medicinal purposes. Starting from Rgveda to modern age of 21st century plants have been analysed from the point of view of the taxonomy, classification and usage. As the names of plants mentioned in the ancient scriptures, are recorded mostly in the sonnets or verses. In modern days plants are studied from the angle of the importance and nature of plants products. The living substance in the plants is called protoplasm, through which the various characteristics of plants are registered. The plants manufacture their colouring agent itself. These are called pigments. plants also have Latex which is the juice of the plants. Plants are classified as Angiosperm and Gymnosperm. That group of plant is called angiosperm whose flowers hold the reproductive parts of the plants. The smallest flower in the family of angiosperm is Lemna. If the plant has one seed leaf it is called Monocots otherwise the two or more seed leaf plant is called Dicots The plants mentioned in Sanskrit works are also the subjects of modern science. The only difference being the botanical name of the plant along with the specie mentioned in the books of science. The tree Asoka is called Asoka in English and Saraca Asoca in Botany. It is a tall tree with flowers of red and orange colour and nice fragrance. Kalidasa very aptly mentions the special treatment for blossoming of flowers on the tree. De candolle in 1883 divided in plants, into six groups where Mango is said to be cultivated for over 4000 years. Mango is called Mangifera Indica. In Botany. Kalidasa also mentions the different varieties of Mango. Amra, Sahakara, Chuta Candana is Santalum Album, as it known in Botany. The sandal wood oil. The oil is used in the oriental countries as Perfume as well as medicine. It In Kalidasa’s works the paste of wood is used as a body ointment to get ritz of the sunheat Sugarcane in English, is known as SACCHARUM OFFICINARUM. According to the poet also the sugarcane becomes readily for consumption in the winter. It is sweet and is used for making jaggery. Among the varieties ‘Saliksu’ in the best one. It gives deep shade. Jambu is known as Jambolan or Java plum and Indian black berry in English whereas the botanical name is SYZYGIUM CUMNII. Kalidasa says the medicinal potentialities of the leaves whose sap diluted in water can cure the after effect of vomiting. Dr. Prahallad Debta "The Comparison between the Modern Science of Plants and Kalidasa’s Plants" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021, URL: Paper Url:’s-plants/dr-prahallad-debta

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Prahallad Debta


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Dr. Prahallad Debta (2021). The Comparison between the Modern Science of Plants and Kalidasa’s Plants. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5(2), -.