The concentration of forming and resorption markers in menopausal period women with osteoartrosis changes at spinal vertebrae
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2006, Vol 8, Issue 6
Introduction Osteoartrosis is a genetically determined disease, which develops on multisystem diseases, spreads on joint cartilage, overcartilage bone and soft structure of the joint.The aim of the work is to evaluate the relationship between mineral density of spinal vertebrae and the concentration of basic progesterone and progesterone after a test with metoklopramid..Material and methods. The research was based on 50 women, aged 50,7±4,4 , in an early physiological postmenopausal period, divided into two groups, the control and the exam group, depending on mineral density of spinal vertebrae. The concentration of estradiol, estron, prolaktyn, prolaxtic/MCP, osteocalcyn, prokolagen, alkali bone fhosphatase, total calcium and ionic calcium in serum and pirydynolin, dezoksypirydynolin and total calcium in urine were tested. Statistic analysis was made by means of statistic packet Statistica Pl version 5 of StatSoft company.Results. In women with osteoartrosis, the concentration of estradiol, alkali bone fhosphatase, pirydynolin and dezoksypirydynolin significantly decreased, the concentration of basic prolaktyn and prolactin after a test with metoklopramid significantly increased, and the concentration of estron, prokolagen, osteocalcyn, total calcium and ionic calcium in urine and serum insignificantly decreased.Conclusion1.The decrease of bone metabolism markers in women with osteoartrosis may contribute to handicap of osteoblasts and osteoklasts function.2. Dopaminergic treatment should be used in women with osteoatrisis syndrome who have frequent hyperprolactynic problems 3. Lack of correlation between the mineral density of spinal vertebrae and the concentration of pirydynolin and dezoksypirydynolin in women with osteoartrosis suggest that resorption disease is not the main pathogenic factor of osteoartrosis diseases.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Stanosz , Leszek Myśliwiec , Stanisław Stanosz
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