The concept and characteristics of contracts in social security sphere


The article examines the views of civilians regarding the definition of "contract". On the basis of this, the contract in the field of social security is understood as an agreement between the parties, which is expressed in fixing their mutual rights and obligations regarding the dynamics of the implementation of the provision of tangible or intangible goods (certain types of social protection) to individuals (or groups of persons) in order to overcome or mitigate the impact on their life of social risks. The object of the contract in the field of social security is a separate type (types) of social protection (cash benefits, social services, personal assistance, etc.), and the subject - the actions of the parties to ensure its provision. Also, it is summarized that there are two types of agreements in the field of social security: legal (normative) and non-legal (individual) contracts. Among the first group, an important place is occupied by international legal treaties and acts of social dialogue in the field of social security (collective agreements and agreements). The second group of contracts in the field of social security is formed by individual legal contracts, namely: on pension provision (primarily due to non-state pension insurance); the provision of certain types of social services (for example, an agreement on the provision of social services to a social hotel, an agreement on the provision of technical and other means of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, children with disabilities and other specific categories of the population, etc.); about medical care of the population under the program of medical guarantees, etc.

Authors and Affiliations

О. О. Гудзь


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How To Cite

О. О. Гудзь (2018). The concept and characteristics of contracts in social security sphere. Вісник Національного технічного університету України “Київський політехнічний інститут”. Політологія. Соціологія. Право., 4(), 105-108.