The concept of development of a unified system of the sea (river) sector surface picture display in the context of border security ensuring
Journal Title: Сучасні інформаційні технології у сфері безпеки та оборони - Year 2018, Vol 31, Issue 1
Border security is a specific and important type of national security. The current tasks for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine are: to ensure the development of integrated border management taking into account the experience of the member states of the European Union; to increase the level of combat readiness of the bodies of the State Border Service, as well as their ability to perform tasks concerning the state border protection; to ensure readiness for the protection of temporarily uncontrolled sectors of the state border after the restoration of control over them; to increase the level of public confidence in the State Border Service and its personnel. The implementation of these tasks depends on the possibility of solving a number of particular problems, one of which is to ensure the development of the Maritime Guard of the State Border Guard Service. The possibility of solving this task depends on the availability and quality of the functioning of the system of the sea (river) sector surface picture display. The paper presents the concept of development of a system of the sea (river) sector surface picture display of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the context of border security ensuring. Formation of the concept was based on earlier studies carried out by the authors on the methodological foundations for implementing this task and a functional analysis of possible options for the system development, as well as the reasonableness of the choice of the expediency of selecting and implementing one of them.
Authors and Affiliations
Valentyn Mazur, Oleh Borovyk
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