The Concept of Technical Solutions for an Air Contamination Detection System Using Unmanned Vessels
Journal Title: Safety & Fire Technology - Year 2017, Vol 48, Issue 48
Aim: The aim of the paper is to present the concept of technical solutions for contamination reconnaissance based on pilotless devices. Introduction: Nowadays, contamination detection in contaminated zones is mostly performed by foot patrols, which are equipped with devices and follow specific procedures. They need appropriate personal protective equipment as well as decontamination devices. The main factors which can directly or indirectly cause the release of hazardous materials and lead to the contamination at the territory of the Republic of Poland (RP) are military actions, disasters, plant failures as well as terrorism. The National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland, convergent with the European Security Strategy , lists the following among the main threats for Poland’s security in the second half of the 21st century: terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, organized crime, industrial failures, natural tragedies and disasters. One of the reasons why these threats are present in this list is the possibility of their leading, directly or indirectly, to the chemical, biological and radioactive contamination of people and environment. Nowadays, contamination detection should be performed automatically, at large distances, if possible without the involvement of people, e.g. such as in the contamination detection systems of the US Armed Forces. In the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, the contamination detection system is based on procedures and technical equipment dating back to the 1950s. One practical solution to this problem is the application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). In this article, the main focus is on the technical solutions incorporating mini-UAVs. Conclusions: The threat of contamination of the territory of Poland still exists and its risk is increasing. The contamination detection system of the Polish Armed Forces is obsolete and does not meet contemporary requirements. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for the aerial reconnaissance and initial identification of contaminants can significantly increase the efficiency of the operation of the Polish Armed Forces contamination detection sub-system which is functionally included in the National System for Contaminants Detection and Alerting. The main advantages of the UAV use in aerial reconnaissance are: no need for human presence, high mobility and maneuverability and the possibility of operation in difficult terrain conditions as well as over water bodies. UAVs in their contamination detection versions should be incorporated into contamination detection subdivisions of the Chemical Forces and the Central Station of Contamination Analysis.
Authors and Affiliations
Władysław Harmata, Marek Witczak, Grzegorz Pietrzak
Исследование точности определения параметров огнезащитных покрытий металлических конструкций
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