The Concept of Terrorism in Law and Language
Journal Title: Studia Iuridica - Year 2016, Vol 68, Issue
Currently, the concept of terrorism, which in recent years has intensified so much, it is still difficult to define, there are huge inconsistencies in both its defining and application. For many years, terrorism was linked with geographically and culturally distant countries, but the 20th and 21st centuries changed the face of this phenomenon, which did not resist globalization and has become one of the major problems that befits to face the modern world. The issue of terrorism, although investigated by many eminent scientists, and even though there are a great many scientific achievements in this subject, it is still a difficult problem and raises a lot of confusion of a legal-dogmatic nature, which the Author tried to highlight herein. The article presents the analysis of the concept of terrorism and illustrates the problems associated with the broad catalogue of definitions of this term. The main problems preventing continued unification of definition are presented. Furthermore, the text assumes the analysis of the legal state instrumental for combating terrorism, with particular focus on terrorist crime contained in the Polish Penal Code.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Niewiadomska
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