The Conception of Self-Organization as a Key Methodology of Social Philosophys’ Analysis in the End of XX – Beginning of XXI Centuries

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 7


On the basis of synergetic methodology (I.Prigogine, H.Haken) in the last third of twentieth century was formed the conception of social self-organizatrion which at the first time had a “phisicalistic” approach in understanding of society. But at the beginning of XXI century the concept of self-organization of society becomes more man-dimensioned (A.Giddens, N.Luhmann, С.Fuchs, F.Heylighen, A.Schlemm). Man by his (or her) activity in process of communication with other people producing a social structure which in turn directs humans’ activity (A.Giddens). Therefore the social system is self-recreated social system and this self-recreation based on created activity of human being. Self-organization of society is multidimensional and multilevel. Social movements is a foundation of self-organization of society but the basis of them is the self-organization of cyberprotest; the basis of self-organization of cyber-protest is self-organization of communication in internet; the self-organization of communication in internet based upon self-management of social-oriented knowledge etc. (С.Fuchs). New approach to the idea of self-organization of society is very perspective and it requires careful research.

Authors and Affiliations

Yaroslav Lyubiviy


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How To Cite

Yaroslav Lyubiviy (2016). The Conception of Self-Organization as a Key Methodology of Social Philosophys’ Analysis in the End of XX – Beginning of XXI Centuries. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(7), 3-28.