The Content of Vasodilation Factors in Blood Serum at Different Levels of Systolic- Diastolic Dysfunction of Left Ventricular with Stable Stenocardia Complicated by Heart Failure

Journal Title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 17


Introduction. Congestive heart failure (CHF) is still the most topical medical­and­social problem all around the world. It is the most common and life­threatening disease of the cardiovascular system, resulting in permanent disability, leads to permanent disability, and significant reduction of life in longevity and quality. Objective. To find out the the level of vasodilation factors in blood serum at different levels of systolic­diastolic dysfunction of left ventricular in patients with stable angina of II­III functional class, complicated by the heart failure with reduced fraction of left ventricular ejection. Materials and methods. To study the goal was conducted a full clinical examination of 47 patients with stable angina of II­III functional classes (FC), complicated by the heart failure (HF) І­ІІІ FC with LV EF ≤ 45.0 % (31 men and 16 women, the average age of the patients was 66.00 ± 1.50 years). In addition to complex clinical­laboratory and instrumental investigations that meet modern requirements, patients underwent quantification of markers vasodilation ­ nitrites (NO2­) and nitrate (NO3­), eNOS. ENOS content in blood serum was determined by ″Nitric Oxide Synthase 3, Endothelial (еNOS) Human ELISA Kit″ (Cloud­Clone Corp, USA). Results and discussion. Analysis of vasodilation levels at different types of diastolic dysfunction (DD) LV in­ dicates that at the delayed relaxation the average level of eNOS was 498.55 ± 42.80 pg/ml, which is significantly higher than restrictive type of DD LV (p < 0.01). In pseudonormal type DD LV the average level of eNOS was 407.24 ± 54.59 pg/ml, which is significantly higher than restrictive type of DD LV (p < 0.05). Conclusions. In patients with stable angina of II­III FC complicated by the systolic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction of left ventricular, in the majority was determined II (moderate) degree of systolic dysfunction of left ventricular. Carried correlation analysis between the levels of eNOS in serum and ejection fraction of left ventricular in examined patients with stable angina of II­III FC complicated by the heart failure with the reduced ejection fraction of left ventricular, led to the establishment of a direct correlation of weak force. In patients with stable angina of II­III FC complicated by the heart failure with the reduced ejection fraction of left ventricular were mainly determined pseudonormal and restrictive types of diastolic dysfunction of left ventricular. In examined patients is observed trend to reduction of vasodilating factors (such as eNOS, nitrites and nitrates) on the progression of stages of systolic­diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricular.

Authors and Affiliations

В. І. Денесюк, Н. О. Музика


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  • EP ID EP254289
  • DOI 10.25040/lkv2017.01.012
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How To Cite

В. І. Денесюк, Н. О. Музика (2017). The Content of Vasodilation Factors in Blood Serum at Different Levels of Systolic- Diastolic Dysfunction of Left Ventricular with Stable Stenocardia Complicated by Heart Failure. Lviv Clinical Bulletin, 1(17), 12-15.