The continuation of post-stroke rehabilitation according to the model of Early Home Supported Discharge
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2009, Vol 13, Issue 3
The growing costs of health care have enforced managers to look for new solutions of services which could enable them to reduce the costs of treatment. During recent years a promising alternative to conventional institutional post-stroke rehabilitation has appeared. Early Home Supported Discharge (EHSD) consists of many elements of the modern strategy of rehabilitation. It realizes the idea of early rehabilitation, its continuation after discharge from hospital, and for the first: social integration – participation. Many authors have published extended studies demonstrating the significant effect on poor final outcomes and the length of hospitalization. In 2006 these results were elaborated in a HTA of EHSD where the extra ‘H’ specifies that this intervention has to be delivered at the domicile of the patient. The HTA concludes that EHSD is a dominant intervention in comparison with conventional stroke unit rehabilitation. The biggest benefits of this model have been noticed in those survivals who displayed a middle-moderate level of disability. In this review article the contemporary state of art with regard to the post-stroke model of Early Home Supported Discharge is presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Józef Opara, Monika Błaszczyszyn, Jacek Barszcz
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