The continued influx of foreigners in Malta: labour economic impacts and perception among the local population

Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 9


Migration turns out to be one of the most debated topics in Europe and particularly in Malta, that it is obviously not a recent phenomenon. One cannot, however, overlook the fact that migration is stirring up the intense public debate which brings this topic under the close scrutiny of the local community. This paper examines the far-reaching economic, labour and social implications generated by the settlement of a foreign and multicultural population in Malta. In particular, the discussion identifies an exhausted domestic labour force which has led to the displacement of labour in certain low–skilled sectors, in favour of foreign workers. An analysis is also undertaken of the current public attitude towards the proliferation of foreigners in Malta, exploring the manner in which the Maltese express a negative sentiment to foreign presence in their home country. The conclusions presented throughout the paper, in terms of labour–economic impact and public perception, are heavily founded upon the latest data gathered from a diverse range of surveys conducted among the Maltese population.

Authors and Affiliations

Peter Holicza, Gabriella Chircop


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  • EP ID EP479281
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1418759
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How To Cite

Peter Holicza, Gabriella Chircop (2018). The continued influx of foreigners in Malta: labour economic impacts and perception among the local population. Бюллетень науки и практики, 4(9), 197-205.