The cult of saints in the traditions of temple building in Chernihiv of the middle ages


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the article is to systemize the historical, theoretical and culturological researches of Ukrainian historiography, which are devoted to the formation of the Christian cults of saints. They became the part of traditions of the sacral temple building and decoration. Methodology. The author uses the culturological approach in the reconstruction of the entire process to the problem. Basing on the historical-chronological order of the temples and churches building in Chernihiv of the Middle Ages, the comparative analysis of European traditions, national cults of the saints the author highlights the process of the gaining and saving the traditions of the holy icons of the temple building. Scientific novelty. The author is the first who tries to systemize Christian values of saints, which are the foundation of the cultural and art projects of the Medieval Chernihiv architecture from the culturological point of view. Conclusions. The article covers the transformation of the common European traditions of Christian sacral characters in honour to whom people built churches, created icons, frescoes and mosaics of Chernihiv architecture. The Pantheon of the Bible and Evangel characters includes such figures as Christ, Mother of God with God Child, Holy Trinity, Apostles, Cherubs, Saint Martyrs and Christian followers – Saint Fecla, Saint Parasceva-Friday, Saint Boris and Hleb etc. All of them strengthened Christianity in the culture Ukrainian and European nation.

Authors and Affiliations

Victoria Balabushka


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How To Cite

Victoria Balabushka (2016). The cult of saints in the traditions of temple building in Chernihiv of the middle ages. Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв, 1(4), 47-51.