The cultural effects of international student mobility: Russian millennials
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 11
This research study measures and presents the cultural effects of international mobility on Generation Y students in Russia. The analyzed sample is based on primary research data (n=302) supported by secondary data and literature review. Two major groups have been compared: (former) students with international mobility experience — the ones who participated the in Tempus, Erasmus+ or other exchange programs, and students without foreign experience, graduates who took part only in the domestic education system. In order to reveal the measurable impacts of international mobility, Likert scale items were used to measure respondents’ attitudes to particular statements such as self-confidence, tolerance, cultural acceptance, and active citizenship. Among the 15 variables adopted in this study, the importance of seeing the value of different cultures” was identified as the highest positive difference in favour of the internationally mobile group.
Authors and Affiliations
P. Holicza
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