The current state and topical issues of the public financial system

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2019, Vol 18, Issue 4


The article explores issues related to current problems of the public financial system. The author notes that the concept of the financial system belongs to economic categories and occupies a special place in a number of legal values. It is noted that the current financial legislation does not define the concept of the financial system, although the legal acts use such terms as the budget system, the tax system, the banking system, the monetary system, the credit system, the monetary system. However, their legislative definitions are also absent. This leads to a different interpretation of this concept and, accordingly, to a different understanding of its content and structure. It is recognized that the public nature of public economic relations related to the sphere of finance, money and credit, largely determines their financial and legal content, that is, the regulation of financial law as a public right. It is argued that the role of constituent legal institutions in the financial system of any country is not equal. Attention is drawn to such major financial and legal institutions as the budgetary system, the tax system, the banking system and the monetary system, without which the functioning of the financial system is impossible. The main task of today must be the desire for the stability of the public financial system as a whole and the harmonious interaction of all financial and legal institutions. The public financial system is a complex multifaceted financial and legal phenomenon that substantially covers the totality of centralized and decentralized public funds and those of individuals and legal entities. There is a need for a notion of the public financial system, as the global financial crisis has shown to be the most vulnerable, and the effects of globalization are becoming more and more visible to it.

Authors and Affiliations

Tamara Latkovska, Тамара Латковская


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  • EP ID EP666747
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.4.2019.3
  • Views 90
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How To Cite

Tamara Latkovska, Тамара Латковская (2019). The current state and topical issues of the public financial system. Lex portus, 18(4), 42-61.