The Differential Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2008, Vol 25, Issue 2


In some cases, the diagnosis and the differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) are difficult. Because no specific test for MS is available, the diagnosis of MS is based on evidence from the history, neurological findings, MRI, CSF examination and evoked potentials. These diagnostic tests are not specific and sensitive to MS. On the other hand, since MRI is being used intensively in neurological practice nowadays, some white matter abnormalities seen on MRI that mimic MS make confusion in diagnosis. In this review, relapsing-remitting MS, progressive MS, variants of MS and white matter lesions on MRI that can resemble MS were discussed in order to make the differential diagnosis of MS.

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How To Cite

Mehmet KARATAS (2008). The Differential Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 25(2), 171-184.