The discourse of freedom in the socio-cultural realities of the Ukrainian state-church relations

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 5


The article investigates the discourse of freedom in the socio-cultural realities of the Ukrainian state-church relations. In analyzing the problem it turns out that the fact that, according to which every human being is always someone more than just a citizen, clearly indicates the inadmissibility reduce human only to the one of many of its functions being. The Church is called to build a society whose central axis would be the human person in the deepest sense of the word. This person in terms of his being sees constant aspiration to the highest good, which their place of residence is completely different sphere than the sphere of stay earthly world phenomena such as politics, economics or even sociology. Although the main object of aspiration transcendence of the human person, the latter is also interested in the proper formation of the Earth's environment of its existence. After the foundation of a society in which, for various reasons lost sense of individuality with all dimensions of his life, though perhaps in a sense structured and organized, but the main factor of such organizations will tend to selfishness and passionate instinctive movements of the lower part of the human individual.

Authors and Affiliations

V'yacheslav Blikhar


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How To Cite

V'yacheslav Blikhar (2015). The discourse of freedom in the socio-cultural realities of the Ukrainian state-church relations. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(5), 183-193.