The Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts, SPSTL SB RASc: collections, scientifi c acitivities, and popularisation
Journal Title: Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi - Year 2015, Vol 9, Issue
The Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts of the State Public Scientifi c Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Госуда́рственная публи́чная нау́чно-техни́ческая библиоте́ка Сиби́рского отделе́ния Росси́йской акаде́мии нау́к) houses signifi cant collections of printed matter and archival materials, dated from the 13th century until today. The general number of items held has surpassed 90.000. The collections are constantly developed. The core of the oldest part of the holdings came with the legacy of the Academician M. Tikhomirov, received by the Library during the years 1967–1969. Other important acquisitions came from special fi eld expeditions organised by the Siberian Branch of the RASc. These activities resulted in doubling the number of the oldest part of the holdings, and in setting up of separate territorial collections. This type of fi eld work is still continued. To date, the holdings of the Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts encompass over 1300 old Russian manuscripts and 2,500 of Cyrillic old prints (including the publications of the Old Believers, 18th–19th century). Eighteenth-century prints executed with the Cyrillic types westernized by Peter the Great form a separate collection; similarly, nineteenth-century works of Russian authors printed during their lifetimes, as well as by the authors of the Russian Silver Age (beginning of the 20th century). Books prohibited by Soviet law, printed both in Russia and abroad, are also kept separately. Alongside fi eld work, the staff of the Division is gathering materials towards a union catalogue of old and rare books held at state repositories in Siberia and the Russian Far East. Catalogues of manuscripts, old prints, and rare books are regularly published. The arrival of digital technology resulted in new activities of the Division. Digitisation of materials is systematically carried out for preservation purposes and for databases – bibliographical and full text – devoted to Siberian history. Thanks to the holdings of the Division the Museum of the Book was organised, which conducts popularisation activities for the educational institutions of Novosibirsk, the inhabitants of the city, and all persons interested in the history and culture of the book.
Authors and Affiliations
Andriej Borodichin
Bernardyński pisarz z ХVІІІ wieku Michał Paszkiewicz i jego kazania w zbiorach Narodowego Muzeum Historycznego Republiki Białoruś w Mińsku
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