The Doctrine of the Absolute Beauty as the Basis of the Byzantine Aesthetics of the Asceticism
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 7
The further exploration of the Byzantine aesthetics as of the source of Kyiv Rus’ religious and aesthetical tradition in particular represents the actual task of domestic philosophical and aesthetical discourse. Conventionally pointing out sóme dimensions of the Byzantine aesthetics of the asceticism, the author of the article proposes to take into consideration first of all the existence of the ontological dimension, which is connencted with understanding of the being of the beauty in reality. Analysing the aesthetical ideas of such famous Byzantine theologians as sts. Vasiliy the Great, Grigoriy the Theologian, Ioann Chrysostom, Grigoriy Nisskiy, Yefrem Syrin, Simeon the New Theologian, A. Tsarenok underlines that the theocentrical character of Christian doctrine regularly influences the development of the ascetic aesthetical tradition to a great degree. It can be regarded as the true theocentrical ontology of the beautiful, which is based upon the axiomatic statement that the only God – the Creator – is the Absolute Beauty, Who causes the being of the beauty in the created world. That’s why according to the Byzantine Orthodox theologians’ oppinion the true ascetic way represents the way to the True and Highest Beauty: the true ascetic becomes able to enjoy It. As the mystical theology of Christian East proves, enjoying the Absolute Beauty is closely connected with enjoying the Highest Light (Divine Light or Favor Light) as the non-created Energy (see the works by st. Grigoriy Palama). This Light has no analogies in the sensual reality. One of the results of ascetic activity is the communication with This Energy, Which transfigurates the whole human nature: both the soul and the body of ascetic receive their true beauty. The corresponding statements of the Byzantine theologians obviously have the strong aesthetical senses. With no doubts, they should be regarded as the important source for the historical and aesthetical byzantology and the historical and aesthetical medievistics in particular.
Authors and Affiliations
Andriy Tsarenok
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