The Drop: phenomenon of free forms’ perception – searching for characteristic features of perception phenomenon

Journal Title: Architectus - Year 2017, Vol 21, Issue 4


The paper presents a research project referring to the phenomenon of perception. The main aim of this study was to define and characterize aspects, factors and effects of the perception of free form as one of the attributes in the process of shaping the architectural form. There were several identified effects: the first and the main of the expected effects of the research project was to increase the author’s knowledge of perception itself. The second one was to create a simulation model which distinguished instruments and characteristic traits which allowed describing the influence of the perception phenomenon on the design process. The last assigment was to recognize the set of aspects, factors and effects related to the phenomenon of perception. At the beginning the relation between the creator and the observer in the research reality and their roles were defined. Then the aims of the research project were presented and developed – a simulation of the groups of facts, problems and ideas was prepared. As the last part of the description of the theoretical model, an intuitive image of the concept’s nucleus of the research project was introduced. The next step was to make alterations to the fundamental attributes of the concept nucleus itself. Furthermore to examine the main aspects of the perception, a simple prototype of research simulation was prepared. This allowed observing the process of perception and its attributes at the same time controlling the external factors and focusing on impressions of the person tested in combination with those factors. Before performing the research simulation, the process of its parameter altering was executed. The parameter alteration include, inter alia, material simulations, spatial simulations, time­simulations, energy-­simulations and info-­simulations of the concept nucleus. The purpose of these simulations was the development and enrichment of the target research simulation prototype. After simulations, the concept of the prototype was prepared and described.

Authors and Affiliations

Bartosz Adamiczka


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  • EP ID EP261970
  • DOI 10.5277/arc170402
  • Views 36
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How To Cite

Bartosz Adamiczka (2017). The Drop: phenomenon of free forms’ perception – searching for characteristic features of perception phenomenon. Architectus, 21(4), 15-32.